

Losing weight without trying sounds very appealing if you are struggling to shift excess pounds, but significant weight loss can signal an underlying medical problem. 在紧张的情况下, 比如丧亲之痛, 离婚, 或者失业, 能引发体重突然下降吗, if you aren’t under stress and you haven’t intentionally cut your food intake or increased your exercise levels, 你应该去看医生.



每个人的体重都有波动, but if you lose five percent of your body weight or more over a six to twelve-month period, 这种减肥水平令人担忧. 无意中体重减轻了5%以上, 你可能营养不良, where there is a shortfall between your intake and requirements for energy, 蛋白质, 脂肪, 维生素, 和矿物质. When significant weight loss is a sign of ill-health, 你通常会有其他症状, 比如食欲不振, 疲劳, 消化心烦意乱, 改变心情.



A common cause of unplanned weight loss is an overactive thyroid gland, where your thyroid increases production of hormones that increase your metabolism. 焦虑, 失眠, 心慌, 颤抖, and heat sensitivity are additional symptoms of hyperthyroidism. These symptoms are telling of an overactive thyroid, especially if you also have a swelling in your neck, 哪一个可能是甲状腺肿. However, a blood test to check thyroid hormone levels is necessary to confirm hyperthyroidism.

严重的感染, 例如, 结核病和艾滋病毒, 以及炎症状况, 比如风湿性关节炎, also raise your metabolic rate and induce weight loss. Your doctor can assess your symptoms and check your blood for markers of infection and inflammation to rule out infective or inflammatory causes of weight loss.

Cancer is another condition that increases your body’s energy requirements and results in weight loss if your increased requirements aren’t met. Unintentional weight loss in cancer is usually accompanied by additional unexplained symptoms like a lump, 排便习惯改变, 呼吸困难, 或者尿中带血, 痰, 呕吐物, 或者排便. Your symptoms will then inform your physician’s choice of tests to investigate cancer as a possible cause of your weight loss.

Additionally, digestive health problems can lead to unintentional weight loss. 例如, 克罗恩病, 恶心和腹泻会降低你的食欲, 当你的身体努力吸收营养时, making it difficult to meet your nutritional requirements. Celiac disease is another digestive disorder with weight loss as a symptom, as damage to your intestinal lining by gluten hinders nutrient uptake. 如果你有消化系统相关症状, your doctor may order tests for Crohn’s disease and celiac disease.

Undiagnosed diabetes is a further cause of unexplained weight loss. 当你的身体产生的胰岛素不足时, 你不能使用葡萄糖作为燃料, 所以你用你的肌肉和脂肪储存能量. Sudden weight loss is more common in Type 1 Diabetes, though weight loss as a symptom is also seen in Type 2 Diabetes. Additional diabetes symptoms include increased 疲劳, 渴, 和排尿, as well as blurred vision and recurrent yeast infections. If you have suggestive symptoms of raised glucose levels, a blood test from your doctor can diagnose diabetes.



Physical health problems are not the only cause of weight loss, as conditions affecting your mental wellbeing may also explain unexpected weight loss. 例如, 如果你患有抑郁症, it is common to lose your appetite and interest in food, so losing weight is often a symptom of depression. 情绪低落, 低自尊, 缺乏动力, 伴随着绝望的感觉, 易怒, and anxiety are additional symptoms that would accompany weight loss in depression.

Unintentional weight loss can also be a symptom of dementia. Significant weight loss in dementia may stem from reduced dietary intake as a consequence of difficulties feeding, 咀嚼, 和吞咽, as well as increased energy expenditure from wandersome behavior. 除了记忆力减退, further symptoms of dementia include difficulty with planning, 语言, 和浓度, 还有混乱, 幻觉, 改变心情, 以及性格的改变.

Alternatively, malnutrition may occur if you are dependent on alcohol or drugs. Weight loss is associated with alcohol dependence, 就像酗酒的时候, alcohol may replace food while interfering with nutrient absorption and increasing metabolic rate through inflammation. 与此同时, 对兴奋剂依赖, 比如可卡因和冰毒, 可以抑制你的食欲, while addiction to any drug can reduce your interest in eating once drug-seeking becomes your main focus.

Although unexplained weight loss doesn’t necessarily have a sinister cause, you should always see your doctor to investigate sudden weight loss that you can’t account for. If you are losing weight due to a health problem, seeking early medical help allows timely diagnosis and treatment, giving you the best chance of managing your symptoms and minimizing complications.

Make an appointment today with your primary care provider if you are experiencing unintentional weight loss. 要成为病人,请访问 页面位置 to find a Family Medical Center provider near you.





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